Delivery via Courier
Deliveries will only be made to the delivery address selected on “checkout” and are subject to availability and receipt of payment. We do our best to secure delivery within 3-5 working days of the date of your order but will not be liable for loss occasioned by delay in delivery arising out of any cause beyond our control. For some major promotional events, processing may take an additional day or two.
Please ensure that the delivery address is easily accessible to our delivery partner’s vehicles.
If no one is at the address when the delivery is attempted, the goods will be retained by the driver, who will leave notification of delivery and will telephone to re-arrange or will return later that day if possible.
Returns, Replacements & Exchanges
To cancel your order, you must notify us in writing within 7 days of receipt of goods, quoting order number, name and address, details of the product(s) and the reason for return; goods must be returned to us within 28 days of receipt.
If you wish to cancel your entire order and return all goods for refund, your order value of the items will be refunded automatically. The refund will however exclude the delivery fee as the third party service provider, namely the courier service utilized, needs to be paid.
Goods returned to us without notification can only be exchanged for goods or gift vouchers to the value equal to the value of the goods returned. If you return goods, please always retain proof of posting for your records, which can be obtained from the courier service.
You will be responsible for the returned products until they reach us. If you are returning only part of your order or the full order, please include the following details with your returned goods; order number, name and address, details of the product(s), the reason for return and whether you require a refund or replacement.
Missing Items
If you have received your order and an item is missing, please Contact Customer Services with your order number and let us know which item is missing.
We will investigate and resolve the situation as quickly as possible.
Please Note
Delivery charges are non-refundable due to a third parties delivery services. If you are returning part of the order or the full order, you will be refunded the full value of the items returned, less the delivery charge.
Before contacting us please take note of the timescales required to process a refund:
We require 5 working days from receipt of a return for us to process a refund.
Please allow a further 5-10 working days for the refund to be credited to your account. This time frame is dictated by your bank or card issuer and is outside our control.
Your refund will be credited to the same card with which you made your original purchase.